Proven Herbal Remedies

Top Healing Foods That Stop Ovarian Cancer in its Tracks

Submitted by  on December 26, 2012 – 9:17 pm

Ovarian cancer is one of the most deadly diseases out there. It is the fifth leading cause of cancer death among U.S. women — an astounding 14,000 out of 23,000 diagnosed each year, die. Ovarian cancer tends to be aggressive and generally has very few symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage. Fortunately, several natural remedies have proven to be exceptionally useful in both preventing and curing this silent killer. Ginger, ginkgo biloba, green tea and flaxseed are all remarkably effective at destroying ovarian cancer cells and tumors — hindering proliferation and increasing survival rates dramatically.

Using food as medicine

Diet is extremely influential in preventing as well as healing ovarian cancer. Beyond consuming an abundant variety of fresh produce and limiting dairy, meat and sugar, certain foods specifically target ovarian cancer cells — demonstrating extraordinary success in defeating this life-threatening disease.


Ginger root is an outstanding food for annihilating ovarian cancer cells. When researchers dissolved ginger powder in a solution containing ovarian cancer cultures, the mutant cells died. Ginger destroys ovarian cancer cells in two ways. First by a process of cellular self-destruction called apoptosis then by autophagy where the cells digest themselves. Scientists at the University of Michigan found that ginger caused the same rate of apoptosis as common chemotherapy drugs yet without any side effects. Ginger root also controls inflammation which is a precursor to ovarian cancer.

Ginkgo biloba
Research has shown that the herb ginkgo biloba significantly lowers the risk of developing ovarian cancer. More than 600 women with ovarian cancer and 640 healthy control subjects were studied. The participants had a history of using either ginkgo, echinacea, St. John’s wort, ginseng or chondroitin. Only those who took ginkgo supplements had lower rates of ovarian cancer – an impressive 60 percent decrease in risk.

Green tea
Drinking a mere two cups per day of green tea can slash the risk of ovarian cancer by half. Researchers followed 61,057 women, ranging in age from 40 to 76, over the course of 15 years. For those who drank one cup of green tea daily, the risk of ovarian cancer was reduced by 24 percent while two or more cups lowered the risk by 46 percent. And for women who consumed the beverage consistently for over 30 years, ovarian cancer rates dropped by 75 percent. Scientists believe the high level of antioxidants found in green tea are responsible for the results. Not only do these powerful phytonutrients help prevent and repair DNA damage but they also hinder the growth and spread of cancer cells by increasing apoptosis.

A case-control study discovered that U.S. women who had the highest intake of plant lignans also had the lowest rates of ovarian cancer. Lignans found in flaxseed are considered phytoestrogens. These compounds ‘plug’ into estrogen receptors, blocking stronger forms of the hormone which aggravate ovarian cancer. Flaxseed lignans also act as an antioxidant. In a surprising investigation involving flax fed chickens, researchers at the University of Illinois found that ovarian cancer was significantly reduced in hens that consumed the seed. According to professor Janice Bahr, “In hens fed flaxseed, we found that more tumors were confined to the ovary and they had less metastatic spread. This is an important finding as the metastases that accompany late-stage ovarian cancer are the main cause of death from the disease.”

Sources for this article include:
“Green tea for ovarian cancer prevention and treatment: a systematic review of the in vitro, in vivo and epidemiological studies” Trudel D, Labbe DP, Bairati I, Fradet V, Bazinet L, Tetu B, Laval University Cancer Research Center, Pub Med, September 2012. Retrieved on November 5, 2012 from:

“Green tea consumption enhances survival of epithelial ovarian cancer” Zhang M, Lee AH, Binns CW, Xie X, School of Public Health, Curtin University of Technology, Australia, Pub Med, November 10, 2010. Retrieved on November 5, 2012 from:

“Green tea fights ovarian cancer” David Liu, PhD, Food Consumer, May 9, 2012. Retrieved on November 5, 2012 from:

“Ovarian cancer vitamins, supplements, herbs and natural treatment” Ray Sahelian, MD. Retrieved on November 5, 2012 from:
“Natural Cures for Ovarian Cancer” Thomas King. Retrieved on November 5, 2012 from:
“Green tea intake may reduce the risk of gynecologic cancers” Jonathan Benson, Natural News, May 8, 2012. Retrieved on November 5, 2012 from:
“Gallons of benefits in just two cups of tea” Karen Collins, RD, NBC News. Retrieved on November 5, 2012 from:
“LIgnans” Linus Pauling Institute. Retrieved on November 5, 2012 from:
“Flaxseed-Fed Chickens Shed Light On Ovarian Cancer” Science Daily, May 11, 2010. Retrieved on November 10, 2012 from:
“Lignans” NYU Langone Medical Center. Retrieved on November 5, 2012 from:

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Fighting Off Colds & Flu With Vitamin D!


December 30, 2012 in People’s Pharmacy Alerts

For decades, mothers and grandmothers in northern climates dosed children with cod liver oil during the winter. They had no scientific studies to support their belief that there was something in that foul-tasting oil that was good for people. Nevertheless, they were convinced that when the weather turned nasty it was time for cod liver oil. Despite protests, children were dosed regularly.Now it seems they may have been right. A study just published in BMJ Open shows that an ingredient in the old-fashioned cod liver oil, vitamin D3, helps prevent sniffles and coughs.Modern medicine has very little to offer when it comes to preventing what doctors call respiratory tract infections (RTIs). People are advised to wash their hands in a feeble effort to prevent viruses from invading nose and lungs. But ask most physicians how to boost your immune system and you will likely to be told to get plenty of sleep, eat a well balanced diet and good luck. Reasonable advice, of course, but it’s not well proven to prevent colds and probably not all that effective when everyone around you is sniffling and sneezing.The sunshine vitamin (Vitamin D) on the other hand, has now been demonstrated to be beneficial against RTIs in highly susceptible individuals. Swedish researchers recruited 140 patients who had immune deficiencies. All of the subjects experienced at least 42 days of respiratory tract infections during the previous year. They were given either 4,000 IUs of vitamin D3 (Vigantol made by Merck) daily or a look-alike placebo. They kept diaries of their symptoms and use of antibiotics was carefully charted. The study lasted for a full year.The patients who were taking vitamin D3 daily were significantly lower on a respiratory tract infection score than those taking placebo. They were also much less likely to require antibiotics. The placebo group averaged 33 days on antibiotics compared to 16 days for the vitamin D3 group. They also had fewer ear infections, sinus infections and overall sick days. People on vitamin D were much less likely to develop infections due to Streptococcus aureus and the fungi Candida and Aspergillus. The investigators summarized their findings this way:“The main conclusion from this long-term RCT [randomized controlled trial] is that vitamin D3 supplementation reduces the total burden of respiratory tract infections… Thus, supplementation with vitamin D3 could provide a novel strategy to reduce antibiotic use among high consumers and indirectly prevent the emerging epidemic of bacterial resistance.”This is not the first time that a study has shown fewer upper respiratory tract infections with regular vitamin D3 administration.Japanese researchers “conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial comparing vitamin D(3) supplements (1200 IU/d) with placebo in schoolchildren. The primary outcome was the incidence of influenza A, diagnosed with influenza antigen testing with a nasopharyngeal swab specimen.”They found that children getting vitamin D3 were about half as likely to come down with the flu compared to the kids taking placebos. Children susceptible to asthma were less likely to experience an attack if they were in the group getting vitamin D3 supplementation (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, May, 2010).

Not all studies have shown such benefit. New Zealand researchers recruited more than 300 healthy adults to get either vitamin D or placebo monthly. The first two doses were 200,000 international units each, and subsequent doses were 100,000 IU monthly for the rest of the 18-month study. This supplied more than five times the US RDA for vitamin D. There was no statistical difference in the number of colds and flu infections between the two groups. This study differs dramatically from the Swedish study, however. Instead of such huge doses on a monthly basis, the Swedes used a daily dose of 4,000 IU, which is more in line with the grandmothers of yore and their cod liver oil.

The nutrition establishment is still very cautious about vitamin D supplements. The current recommendation from the Institute of Medicine is 600 IU daily for everyone between the ages of 1 and 70 years old. We think that is woefully inadequate for the millions of people who are not able to expose wide areas of their skin to sunlight during the winter.

Based on our review of the literature, we believe that many people have inadequate levels of this essential nutrient. A recent study revealed that older people with low vitamin D levels in their bloodstream [under 30 nanograms/ml] were 50 percent more likely to die from any cause. [Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Nov, 2012]. For those confused about nanograms/ml, this is a measure of the active form of vitamin D (25-hydroxyvitamin D) circulating in their blood. When your doctor draws blood and sends it to a lab for analysis, she can tell you what your levels are. This will guide you and your doctor on how much vitamin D supplementation you will need.

To better understand this complicated topic and estimate how much vitamin D3 you may need, you may wish to consult our Guide to Vitamin D Deficiency. It will provide details about other conditions for which this nutrient can be helpful. If you would like to listen to our one-hour interview with two of the country’s leading nutrition authorities debating the benefits and risks of vitamin D, you will want to download our one-hour mp3 or CD of show # 846. If you want a more enthusiastic review of vitamin D research, we recommend show # 749 with Dr. Bruce Hollis. And if you want the big picture on vitamins in general, we offer show # 876, “The Great Vitamin Debate.”